Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We're having BABIES!!!

So, I've been bad about keeping up with the blog--yep folks we're about 5 months pregnant with twins!! We are excited that we are having a little boy and a little girl!! I will be posting ultrasound pics and side shots shortly!


becca said...

Of course, I had already heard the fabulous news, but I'm so glad you are updating your blog with it. Have you thought of any names yet? I'm just sad that I don't have a trip back planned anytime soon. I want to be around when those babies are little! Send me an e-mail when you get a chance.

The Jacksons said...

you haven't blogged since november! well, i'm going to be checking up on you now so it better be more often! you are such a darling face

Ceci and Steven said...

WOW!!! your ego is prego!!?!?! wicked awesome!! Hey, say hello to Pablito for me! looks like things are great for you! I'm glad!! =)

The Foys said...

You're having twins?! That's so awesome! When are you due? We're having a little boy next month. Congrats!

Jamie said...

Holy crap, Rachel! I don't see you for a few years and BAM! You're married and you're having twins. Congratulations! That's so great. Incidentally, I'm delivering babies for a living. Funny how things turn out, huh? You look great, by the way :)